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Real Impact
Video Contest

Amzur is pleased to announce the launch of Amzur Club, its new corporate alumni association, with a video contest!!!! As you may have heard,  the Club was created to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of our community, network, and associates.

And as a current employee, you are all in!

Make the Cut

We are calling out all Amzurians with a talent, an expertise, a voice to share their skills and knowledge with the Amzur Club network.

Record a set of up to 7 min videos on the categories listed below to qualify!


1.  Best Set of 10 $100
2. Best Set of 15 $200
3. Best Set of 30 $500

Health & Wellness

Skills To Know

Leadership Advice

Expert Advice

How To Videos

Coding Videos

Business Attire Knowledge

Trend Reviews

Travel Advice

Healthy Recipes

Certification Study Guides

Coaching Talks

Book Review

Day In The Life Of

Tech Product Reviews

Musical Talent

Lifestyle Advice

Sustainable Living

Movie Reviews

Humanitarian Works

Save the planet

Beginner Guide



Rules to participate

Real Impact Video Contest

Submit your short video for evaluation